Free ebook to commemorate IDAHO

IDAHO stands for International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, and is marked every year on 17 May, to commemorate the World Health Organisation’s decision to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1990.

To commemorate IDAHO this year, we will be giving away free copies of the ebook I Will Survive: Personal gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender stories in Singapore (published by Monsoon Books) to the first 30 people who email us before 17 May.

Despite being a developed country and one of the more LGBT-friendly cities in Asia, consensual sex between adult men is still illegal in Singapore (under Section 377A of the Penal Code), and homophobia and transphobia continue to be a reality for many Singaporeans. The fascinating accounts in this collection offer readers an insight into LGBT issues in Singapore and Asia in general, many of which differ from those faced in other parts of the world.

Contact us by sending an email and tell us:

  • Your name & email address.
  • In 30 words why you want a free copy of the ebook.
  • The preferred format of the ebook: “mobi” for Kindle or “epub” for PC/ laptop/ tablet/ smart phone or other devices.

This is open to anyone anywhere in the world, on a first-come-first-serve basis!

Leow Yangfa

Editor, I Will Survive

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I Will Survive: Personal gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender stories in Singapore brings together real-life experiences of love, grace, faith, dignity and courage from 21 ordinary people who have survived extraordinary circumstances. Leow Yangfa is the editor of the book and website. He has been actively involved in social services, including a previous job in a large statutory organisation and volunteer work with an HIV / AIDS group in Singapore, and a charity for the homeless in London. Yangfa currently works for a non-profit organisation in Singapore.

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