Three years on…

Three years ago this week, a young gay man was in great emotional pain.

He spoke about in online, and posted it on Facebook.

He said he missed some friends who had died, and wished he could join them.

Three years ago this week, another gay man went to Sydney for the Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras.

He was checking his Facebook at the sauna, and read those disturbing warning signs.

He felt really worried, and sent him some messages.

He got some brief replies, and then they stopped.

He did nothing.

Until he checked his phone messages a few days later, and learnt that the young gay man  had died.

Apparently soon after those Facebook messages, and a few days before his birthday.

Three years ago this week, I was that man who pledged to do something.

That no gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person in Singapore should wish to kill themselves because they thought they were alone.

Because no one else went through what they did.

Because no one else had a story like theirs.

Because no one else was going to listen; or read, or care.

Three years ago this week, I Will Survive was conceived.

One Reply to “”

  1. It was in that same week that I made a friend who has been a constant inspiration. I am so proud to know you and your achievement with this project. From little things, big things grow and this is by no means the end of this story.
    More than anything, your work makes me proud of who I am as a gay man and as someone who is truly blessed to be considered a friend of yours.

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