Depression & Suicide

Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain.” (David Conroy, 1991)

Do you feel depressed?  Are you experiencing feelings of hopelessness or despair?

If you’re gay, depressed & feeling suicidal, it can be a very painful, lonely experience.  But it’s also just as important to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  There are people out there who care enough to listen.

Useful information about mental health, depression & suicide is available from the following local websites:

Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT)

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)

Health Promotion Board (HPB)

If you happen to know someone who is feeling depressed or suicidal, here are some things you can do to help them:


* Stay calm.

* Be accepting.

* Be patient & gentle.

* Show that you care, be there for the person.

* Listen to their problems & feelings.

* Encourage them to seek help & talk to someone they trust.

* Get help for them & for yourself.


* Making moral judgements.

* Giving advice that wasn’t asked for.

* Trying to solve the person’s problems.

* Giving false assurances or making promises you can’t keep.

* Telling the person your own problems.

* Saying things like  “It’s wrong to feel like this” or  “Pull yourself together, I know lots of people who are worse off than you.

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